Benefits of the MIEE community
Online marketing campaign
This campaign highlights the benefits of the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert Community.
The campaign consists of 20 video assets that can be promoted across Microsoft’s digital channels for program awareness and recruitment. Content can also be shared on the MIEE Twitter feed and Yammer Group.
We hope you enjoy!
From the team at Rich Interactive
Driving professional development
Enriching the learning experience
Making a difference in the classroom
Inspiring your everyday teaching
Raising aspirations in the classroom
Connecting with other educators
Developing a growth mindset
Discovering new tools
Empowering every student
Enhancing your teaching career
Joining like-minded educators
Learning on the cutting edge
Loving the community
Upskilling for 21st centaury learning
Sharing best practice
Applying the latest tools
Creating a digital culture
Becoming better with technology
Reinvigorating your teaching
Achieve excellence in education