Video showcase for BME Solutions
Hi Jo, Rachel and Ed,
As promised, we’ve put together a selection of previous work to demonstrate some of the things we discussed. If you click the video on the right-hand-side of this text, we’ll explain more.
Speak soon,
Chris & Daryl
Rich as the customer
£3.5k - £12k
As Rich Interactive is an Adobe house and also has need for Adobe Sign, we would be a relevant subject matter for other small businesses. With this in mind, we have included some content we produced for Microsoft which has the same rationale. There were three, full-length videos produced in this series, covering a number of solutions. Below is one of the full-length videos and two shorter, single topic clips.
Work anywhere and on any device
We’re big users of Surface and Office 365. In this video we explain how working anywhere has changed the way we work and improved our service levels.
Closer together with Teams
A shorter clip to describe the impact Microsoft Teams has had on communications with clients and colleagues. And what difference that makes.
Easy to manage for small business
We don’t have a full-time IT person at Rich Interactive. We have Anthony who is able to manage Office 365 as a small part of his job because it’s easy to use…
Single topic clips
£1.5k - £3.5k (typically as part of a series)
One of your stated aims is to create content that is shorter and more focused than typical, full-length client stories. This section comprises six clips and covers a range of delivery styles. We can talk about the requirements and merits of each once you have identified your preferences.
Autonomous Workspace
The Surface Studio has made a big impact in the art department of Rugby School. Teachers and students alike enthuse about what is now possible. (Includes Adobe CC).
CDW Apple devices
We made this video on the first day of lockdown 1. It was adhoc and rushed, but shows what is possible when there is a strong customer message.
Hazardous materials in the lab meant notes had to be to be written up at a desk. Not anymore. This is a simple yet powerful clip to explain why.
Help for students with additional needs
A simple, yet effective show and tell video that demonstrates how students can help themselves and grow their confidence.
Worklife balance
Sometimes performance and enthusiasm is more engaging than detail. This is a great example and was part of a comprehensive set of assets which also includes the previous video.
A mini documentary
Faster response times save lives in policing. This documentary approach demonstrates very clearly without selling and is part of a longer video.
Short customer stories
£5k - £8k
Here are three customer stories that last a little more than one minute. In the case of these three, they were produced as alternative cuts to a longer piece. That said, they demonstrate what is possible with a shorter duration.
Increasing potato yield with AI
It takes a lot of technology to analyse the many factors that impact crop yield. This video touches upon the technology but demonstrates that the customers’ interest lies elsewhere – with the outcomes.
The customer's customer
The PRS analyses amasses data than Mastercard. They spend their time analysing and reporting. But this story changes completely once you view it through the lens of their customers.
Visual FX, cloud powered
When you can increase you processing capability 10-fold, instantly it changes what’s possible in the visual fx industry. UK leading company, Jellyfish describe their experiences.
Visually rich software depiction
Many of our customers sell software solutions. These are notoriously difficult to convey in clips that tend to last no more than 4-8 seconds. And viewers don’t have time for a complete software demo at this stage of their buying cycle.
A simple Teams call
This is a very short and easy to watch clip which shows the Teams user experience without all of the surrounding interface you would normally see.
Visuals tell the story
It’s actually easier to understand what is happening from the images than it is the narrative. A good example of why visual elements are so important to get right.
Students working better together
Three students explain how they work together and we can several different capabilities in a single clip – which conveys a lot of information in only 36 seconds.
The podcast format explained
£2.5k (typically 15 - 20 minutes as part of a wider project)
When we create a customer story we have lots of unused content. One way we like to exploit this is the production of a Radio 4 style, round table. We do this without needing to involve the customer a second time. Below are three short excerpts from a 16 minute podcast featuring Rugby school. For more context you can watch a clip of this story higher up the page.
![Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 11.37.23](https://customers.richinteractive.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Screen-Shot-2018-01-30-at-11.37.23.png)
Natural language
We write the presenter narrative in a way that you would never see in a written document. Listen to this section and consider how it sounds like live and adhoc discussion. Furthermore, we suggest the discussion takes place in the Lewis Gallery, which sets a better mental image than the reality.
![Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 11.14.24](https://customers.richinteractive.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Screen-Shot-2018-01-30-at-11.14.24.png)
Round table format
Although the interviews were conducted one at a time, the final output takes the form of a round-table, joined up by the presenter narrative, which is recorded later.
![Rugby School_08](https://customers.richinteractive.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Rugby-School_08.png)
Presenter commentary
We don’t just stick to a standard question and answer format. We inject presenter personality and their own experiences, just as a seasoned Radio 4 presenter would.
Leveraging the value of a customer story
Starting at £400
It takes a lot of energy to reach the point whereby a client is happy to tell their story on your behalf. We have many formats to ensure that you can engage a wider audience and maximise the return. You can see this from the icons below (which we would be happy to discuss further) and also the three examples included in this section below the icons.
Full customer stories
£8k - £12k
Naturally, we create high production value, full-length customer stories as part of our proposition. We know that you are more interested in the shorter format, but thought we should include three examples here to give you a flavour of our capability. We chose these examples because they have different moods and delivery styles.
Marmite’s ‘TasteFace’
This is a fun and quirky video that complements the tone of Marmite’s very successful campaign. At the same time it explains the technology required without losing the layman.
We chose this story because it is very human and very emotive. A story about a boy who lost his arm at birth and a tenacious father who mastered technology and invented solutions that he now shares around the world.
SSE Renewables
This video was produced without anyone leaving the comfort of their own homes. Yet the visual content is of a higher level than you see typically and involves keying the interviewees without the use of any green screen.
Adhoc content from events
£800 - £1200 (as part of a series)
We may be some time from seeing face-to-face events, but here are three clips from an education forum we attended shortly before the first lockdown. All the content is adhoc, but forms a persuasive message as a collection (if you’re a teacher). A key benefit of lots of short clips is that viewers watch in the order they prefer and maximise their exposure time.
Empowering every student
In this example the interviewee highlights the MIEE program, but the real takeaway is his conviction at just how much the tools benefits his students.
Loving the community
This example demonstrates that passion is a powerful tool to engage viewers and highlight the personal benefits of the MIEE program.
Driving professional development
This attendee shares his journey with the MIEE community, from his original goals with the program to the benefits he gains today.